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Individual Coaching & Support

From Heartache to Heroine: 

Reclaim Your Power, Rebuild Your Life

Before, During & After Relationship

Whether you are in a relationship or have been through a break-up, the loss of self or identity is a common theme that can keep you stuck and unsure what to do next.


If you are in a relationship, you may be unsure if you can heal and rebuild or if it would be better to leave. If you've already been through a divorce or break-up (no matter how long ago), healing is a must so you can move on, rebuild your life and create new healthy relationships. 

Depending where you are, each program is designed to support the healing of yourself, with or without a partner. 

Image by Jude Beck

Hi there, I'm Julie and I am here to tell you that you are not alone! We experience relationships in all areas of life, and I have had my share difficulties and heartbreak including divorce, break-ups, and losing my identity in an unfulfilling relationship.

It is my mission to help soulful women who feel lost in their current relationship or after a break-up heal and awaken their passion so they can reclaim their identity and rebuild their lives.

Relationships always start with the one we have with ourselves. Whether you are wanting to start a new relationship or stay consciously single, it is my passion to help you feel alive again. By tapping into the sacred feminine and rediscovering yourself, you can live a life full of empowerment, magic, lusciousness and freedom to be who you truly are!


Client Love


"When I came to Julie I was a mess. I had just gone through a rough divorce and felt just plain lost. Julie not only helped my heal, but really, truly find myself again. There were parts of me that I kept hidden and shutdown in my marriage. I was always afraid to be myself and then got to a point where I didn't even know who that was anymore. My work with Julie was not only incredibly supportive, it was powerful. She brings a certain amount of truth, humor and non-judgment that really helped me get through one of the darkest times of my life.   Working with her was worth every penny! I now have the strength and self-confidence to be me and I am even ready to start dating again. I can't thank her enough for her support and encouragement



"Please, please, if you are “stuck” or “in a rut” like I was, invite Julie’s calm, caring presence in to help! She created a safe space for me to process several areas of my life where things just weren’t working anymore. More importantly, she helped me to allow myself permission to feel the things I did and to begin to release that which wasn’t serving my highest good. She helped me to see that starting over isn’t a weakness and that much strength and excitement can be found forging a new path. Julie reconnected me with my spiritual practices that had fallen by the wayside as I struggled to “keep my head above water.” I’m still in the process of doing the work we’ve discussed, but when I’m ready to take the next steps, guess who I’m calling? 



"When COVID19 hit the world, I started to reevaluate my goals and purpose. I was increasingly becoming more and more discouraged.  I stumbled upon Julie's name from social media. I immediately reached out to her for some guidance. Little did I know that through our weekly sessions, I not only figured out my goals and purpose but she helped me DREAM again. 12 years of being a stay at home mom, then turned corporate job, I now wake up each morning with a pep in my step ready to conquer the world! Thanks Julie, for believing in me and helping me DREAM!"



"I've attended two of Julie's classes, one as a guest and another as a host.  What she's taught me has helped me so much with reducing anxiety and tension in my life.  And she is such a friendly, down to earth person!  If you have a chance to work with her, do it!  It's so worth it!"


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